[10] Refactorizaciones en la Migración del Software (Raúl Marticorena, Yania Crespo, Carlos López), In XIII Jornadas Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2008), 2008. (ISBN 978-84-612-5820-8) [pdf]
[9] Specifying and Analyzing Program Refactorings With AGG (Javier Pérez, Olga Runge, Gabriele Taentzer), In 4th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools: The Contest (GraBaTs 2008), 2008. (http://www.fots.ua.ac.be/events/grabats2008/) [pdf]
[8] A Case Study for Program Refactoring (Berthold Hoffman, Javier Pérez, Tom Mens), In 4th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools: The Contest (GraBaTs 2008), 2008. (http://www.fots.ua.ac.be/events/grabats2008/) [pdf]
[7] Dynamism in Refactoring Construction and Evolution – A Solution Based on XML and Reflection (Raúl Marticorena, Yania Crespo), In ICSOFT 2008, Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Porto, Portugal (José Cordeiro, Boris Shishkov, AlpeshKumar Ranchordas, Markus Helfert, eds.), INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2008. [pdf]
[6] Towards a Framework for Software Design Defects Correction with Refactoring Plans (Javier Pérez), In Fundamental Aspects of Software Evolution, FNRS Contact Group on Fundamental Computer Science May 22nd 2008, University of Namur, 2008. (http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/fnrs-fcs) [pdf]
[5] Feature Patterns and Multi-Paradigm Variability Models (Miguel A. Laguna, Bruno González-Baixauli, José Manuel Marqués Corral), Technical report, Grupo GIRO, 2008. [pdf]
[4] Enabling Refactoring with HTN Planning to Improve the Design Smells Correction Activity (Javier Pérez), In BENEVOL 2008 : The 7th BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution workshop, 2008.  [pdf]
[3] On the Clarification of the Semantics of the Extend Relationship in Use Case Models (Miguel A. Laguna, José Manuel Marqués Corral), In ICSOFT, Porto, Portugal, 2008. [pdf]
[2] Product Line Requirements: Multi-Paradigm Variability Models (Miguel A. Laguna, Bruno González-Baixauli), In Proceedings of 11 Workshop on Requirements Engineering, (C. Quer, ed.), UPC, 2008.
[1] Feature Patterns and Product Line Model Transformations (Miguel A. Laguna, Bruno González-Baixauli), In Taller sobre Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos, MDA y Aplicaciones (DSDM’08), 2008. [pdf]